Top News
- Iberia Excerente (Oct 2011)
Pileus was introduced on Excerente: Business ClassMagazine: a on-flight magazine of Iberia Air. - Mobile Plus India conference (16 Sept 2011)
Takashi gave a talk about Pileus and his works at Mobile Plus India: International Conference on Inclusive Growth through Mobile Applications, supported by UNESCO, IIID, IIT Bombay, and MSSRF. - Guest Lecture at IIT Bombay IDC (13 Sept 2011)
Takashi gave a guest lecture at IIT Bombay IDC : India Institute of Technology Bombay Industorial Design Center. He talked about design of integrated media with examples of Pileus and his previous and current works. - "Per navigare" on Focus magazine (April 2011)
Pileus was introduced on Focus Magazine in Italy. - MSN UK "Cool Japanese Gadgets We Want Right Now" (June 22 2011)
Pileus was introduced on Tech UK MSN"Cool Japanese gadgets we want right now". - Rated K, ABS-CBN (Sept. 19 2010)
Pileus was introduced in an episode of "Ulan" on ABS-CBN TV Show "Rated K" in The Phillippines.
PILEUS: The Internet Umbrella
Pileus is an umbrella connected to the Internet to make walking in rainy days fun. Pileus has a large screen on the top surface, a built-in camera, a motion sensor, GPS, and a digital compass. The current prototype has two main functions: photo-sharing and 3D map navigation.
The photo function is connected to a major web service: Flickr API. A user can take photo with a camera on the umbrella, and pictures are uploaded to Flickr in two minutes with context tags via a wireless Internet connection. User can also enjoy theirselves watching photo-streams downloaded from Flickr with simple operation of wrist snapping.
It also has a function of 3D Map. Detecting a location data from GPS, it shows a 3D bird view around the user. User can walk-through a city comparing the 3D views and real sights, and the map is always updated by GPS and a digital compass. It aims to create natural augmented reality with a large informatin screen on the umbrella.
These two functions can be switched by simply fliping a switch. As a future direction of its development, putting a context data on the Internet (e.g. geo-tags on photos), it will be able to provide social local-navigations and real-time in-place communications. The product aims to provide an augmentation of everyday life synchronizing information on the Internet and the real place.
Video in TOKYO
The design process of Pileus started from concept creations of an ethnographical approach. The concept was drawn on a scenario to enhance our urban experiences with the interactive umbrella.
The design is gradually updated by a lot of prototype experiments.- 3rd Gen Prototype
- 2nd Gen Prototypes
- 1st Gen Prototypes
- Early Prototypes:

We thank your supports!
What is the origin of the name?"Pileus" is an ancient Latin word originally meaning skullcap, and now used as technical worlds for a cloud that appear above a cumulus at meteorology [1] and a cap of mushrooms at mycology [2] . The project uses this word for the name with double metaphors as a physical umbrella (mushroom cap) and cyber network services (overlaid cloud).

This project was started as a academic research of Media Design at Keio University SFC Okude Lab in Spring 2006. The umbrella is a only prototype currently. We are open for offers and inquiries to the project. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Takashi Matsumoto (Pileus, Co-Designer) - Right
Sho Hashimoto (Pileus, Co-Designer) - Left
Takashi Matsumoto is a media design conceptor. The Pileus project was started when he was a Ph.D. student. He was mainly directing its production and developing Pileus' hardware and media structure. His special field is a design of Social Interaction bridging tangible objects, real-world experiences, and network services. He has been designing unique digital gadgets to give new experiences in urban life with tangible operations of information.
He earned his Ph.D. in Media and Governance from Keio University SFC Media Design Program in 2008. He earned his master's degree in Media and Governance and BA in Environmental Information from Keio University with summa cum laude. Previously he has worked for Senior Research Fellow for NUS (National University of SIngapore) School of Computing and internships at PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) and FXPAL (FX Palo Alto Laboratory). More information on www.takashimatsumoto.com and on an interview by we-make-money-not-art.com.
Sho Hashimoto is a media design engineer. The Pileus project was started when he was a senior student at Okude Lab. He has been mainly building an architecture of the system and developing Pileus' software and network.
When he was a student at Keio University SFC, he was one of the most tech-geek in the campus. His another work "Teleshadow" has been selected for IPA Mitoh Youth, which is a highly-talented project selected by a Japanese governmental agency. He has also led another IPA Mitoh project. He has developed several software applications which have been introduced at a major Japanese news paper.
Pileus Project info(at)pileus.net

"Prix de l'innovation" at Laval Virtual 2007
T. Matsumoto, S. Hashimoto "Pileus: The Internet Umbrella" Laval Virtual 2007 Award, Laval Virtual 2007, Laval France, April 2007
"The 2nd Prize of Demo Session" at Mobile HCI 2007
S. Hashimoto, T. Matsumoto, N. Okude "Pileus: Umbrella for Mobile Augmented Reality", Mobile HCI 2007 Demo, Singapore, Sept. 2007.

Demonstration of a new technology at the biggest LAN party in Europe.
E3 Future, Valencia, Spain, July 28 - Aug 2, 2008
Thank you for coming to see our work. Gracias.

Interactive demonstration for local people at the internet cerebration day.
Basque Government. Llodio, Árava, Basque Spain, May 16- 18, 2008.
It was a great pleasure to see you in the festival! Eskerrik Asko!!!

Introduction of a new tech-market trend at a nordic trendshop.
InnovationLab, Århus, Denmark, April 4 - 6, 2008.
Thank you for visiting the event. Mamge tak!!

Demonstration of new technology at the 3rd International Festival for Arts, Science and Technologies
Academy of Sciences of The Czech Republic/ CIANT. Prague, Czech Republic, Nov 5 -10, 2007
Thank you for inviting coming to see the work. Děkuji!!!

Demonstration at a fashion concept store in Amustedam Fasion Week.
The Stijlinstituut Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 29 - 30, 2007
Thank you for stopping by our work in the fashion fair. Dank u!!!

An exhibition of revolutional photographic works at a public art gallery of the City of Sun Francisco.
SFAC Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 20 - June 16, 2007.
Thank you so much for visiting the exhivition !!!!
T. Matsumoto, "Designing New Value: Integrated Media Design for Social Innovation" Talk at Mobile Plus Conference, MSSRF, Chennai India, 16 Sept 2011.
T. Matsumoto, "Object, Context Meaning: Introduction to Integrated Media Design" Lecture at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay IDC, 13 Sept 2011.
T. Matsumoto, "Designing New Value" Lecture at National University of Singapore, School of Computing, HCI Lab. July 28 2010.
Talk and demonstration for EPFL Media & Design Laboratory, Lausanne, Switzerland, Feb. 23 2009.
Talk and Demonstration for Google España, Campus Party, Valencia, Spain, July 28 2008.
Demonstration at the IDC Steering Committee Annual Meeting, IDC Asia, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore. Jan. 23 2008.
Talk and Demonstration for FXPAL, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA, July 25 2007.
Talk and Demonstration for Mobile Life project (Sweden), Keio Univ. Okude Lab., Fujisawa. May 7, 2007.
Demonstration at Keio SFC Open Research Forum 2006. Marunouchi, Tokyo. Nov. 22-23 2006.
T. Matsumoto, and S. Hashimoto, "Pileus Internet Umbrella: Tangible Mobile Interface of A Lovely Umbrella", Proc. of Third International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI '09), Demo. Cambridge, UK. Feb. 2009.
T. Matsumoto, S. Hashimoto, and N. Okude. "The embodied Web: embodied Web-services interaction with an umbrella for augmented city experiences." Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds. 19.1 (2008): 49-66. Wiley InterScience
T. Matsumoto, S. Hashimoto, N. Okude "Pileus The Internet-Ready Umbrella: Full-Embodied Web in A Real Space", Mobility Conference 2007, Singapore, Sept. 2007.
S. Hashimoto, T. Matsumoto, N. Okude "Pileus: Umbrella Type Entertainment Browser" ACM ACE 2007 Poster, Salzburg Austria, June 2007.
S. Hashimoto, S. Iwata, T. Matsumoto, A. Tomatsu, N. Kubota, N. Okude. "Pileus: The Umbrella Photo Browser to Relay Experiences in Rainy Days" UbiComp 2006 Demo, UCI Orange County, September 2006

"İnternet sörf yapan şemsiye" SABAH, Feb. 26 2010, P34. (Turkey)
"Esses Japoneses" O Estado de Sao Paulo, Jan. 28 2010, P54. (Brazil)
"Teknoloji meraklılarına "çılgın" icatlar", Kibris Gazetesi, Sept. 1 2008, P56 (N Cyprus)
"şemsiyeli internet", BUGÜN, Sept 1 2008, P8 (Turkey)
"Teknoloji meraklılarına çılgın icatlar: İnternete bağlanabilen şemsiye", ZAMAN, Sept 1 2008, P8 (Turkey)
"şemsiyeyle internete bağlan yüzüğün evliliğini hatırlatsın", SABAH, Sept 1 2008, P17 (Turkey)
"İnternete bağlanabilen şemsiye", HÜRRİYET, Aug 31 2008 (Turkey)
"My Beautiful Brolly" Times of India, Aug 31 2008, Mumbai ed. P18/Jaipur ed. P13/Channai ed. P15/ Pune ed. P11 (India)
"Navegando, bajo la lluvia" ABC (Madrid), May 20 2008, P98 (Spain)
"Paraguas conexión a Internet", El Correo (De Álava), May17 2008, P11 (Spain).
"La presentación de un paraguas digital inaugura el Internet Eguna de Laudio", Diario (El Periódico de todos los alaveses), May 17 2008. P37 (Spain)
TS-Extra, Turun Sanomat , Mar. 29. 2008. (Finland)
"Crearon paraguas con internet". El Nacional. Feb. 1 2008 (Venezuera)
"Multimedia-Regenschirm mit Internetverbindung", Salzburg.com Salzburger Nachrichten, Feb. 1 2008 (Austria)
"Чудо-зонт покажет клипы из интернета", C News, Feb.01.08 (Russia)
Crean paraguas con Internet; dará reporte meteorológico, El Universal.com.mx, Feb 1 2008 (Mexico)
"Un paraguas con Internet. ATB noticias.es. Jan 31 2008 (Barcelona)
"Lanzan paraguas con Internet", La Nacion.com, Jan. 31 2008 (Argentina)
Giving umbrellas a hi-tech spin, BBC News, 30 January 2008 (UK)
"Paraguas con Internet" BBC Mundo.com, 31 de enero de 2008 (Español)
"Internet-enabled umbrella launched", Business Daily Africa, Oct. 24 2007 (Kenya)
"インターネット傘" 雨の日の散歩も楽しくなる?, MSN毎日インタラクティブ, 2007年7月2日 (Japan)
The umbrella as computer screen, Toronto Star: Thestar.com - W6: What's Next, 03 June 2007 (Canada)
"Зонтик с браузером", РБК daily, 22 05 2007 (Russia)
Dal Giappone L'ombrello hi-tech, La Repubblica.it - Foto, 25 maggio 2007 (Italy)
Watch slide-shows on the umbrella which will stop you getting lost, Daily Mail, May 17 2007 (UK)
"Tech NICHE" Times of India, Jan. 14 2007, Nagpur ed. P25/ Mangalore ed. P23/Ahmedabad ed. P31/Lucknow ed. P33/Hyderabad ed. P35/Chandigarh ed. P35/Kolkata ed. P37/ Pune ed. P35/Bangalore ed. P41/Mumbai ed. P49/ Delhi ed. P73 (India)
日本庆应大学高科技展推出“看电影”雨伞, 中国日报网站, Nov. 27. 2006 (China)
Hi-tech umbrella with the lot, smh.com.au The Sydney Morning Herald, Nov. 27. 2006 (Australia)
Mumbai Mirror, Nov. 25 2006, Page 30 (India)
For A Rainy Day, The Japan Times, Nov. 25 2006, Page 9
SURFING IN THE RAIN, Internet Umbrella Lets Users Browse in Any Weather, "Trends in Japan - Science and Technology", Web Japan, Japan Echo, Inc.: A website sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (日本国 外務省), Japan, Oct 4th 2007
梅雨季节“网络伞”, 周刊「心连心」杂志, The Japan Foundation China Center(独立行政法人国際交流基金 日中交流センター), Japan, last accessed Spet. 8 2008.

"Un techo portátil" Iberia Excelente Business Class Magazine, Oct. 2011, page 24.
"Per Navigare." Focus Issue 222, April 2011, page 182.
"Ready for the Rain by Stephen Parker" Tokyo Weekender Magazine Vol.41, No.9 May 21st-June 3rd 2010, Page 30.
In "Public Art 2.0: Media, Technology & Community in the Interactive City" "Public Art Review" Issue 41, fall/winter (Dec.) 2009.
"Зонт с навигачией" "Prime Traveller" April - May 2008 Page 65.
"Gadgets that change the world (in Russian)" Sync, (Russia), April 2008, Page 87.
"Enjoy the Raing" Going Japanese WTF What's The Future? Magazine (UK) 2008, Issue3, Page 10.
"Internet Umbrella" Technology update, Vision - looking at the future of learning (UK), winter/spring 2008, Futurelab
"Browsing in the rain, The internet of Umbrellas" Eurescom message (Germany). Highlights, A Bit Beyond. 1/2008, page 22. Eurescom.
Snímání v dešti, Mobily Yop! (Czech),12/2007
慶應義塾大学 奥出研究室「インターネット傘パイレウス」(2006〜), 21世紀のID - インタラクションデザイン熟考, AXIS (Japan), Vol 130, Dec. 2007, page 21
R ustad för, öhund taget internet, PC för Alla (Sweden), NR9 OKTOBER 2007, page 26
Le coup de parapluie...., CAB'IN, le magazine de bord des taxis (France),#6,octobre-novembre 2007, page 37 pdf
Surfin' In The Rain, PIG Mag (Italy), #54, 14 Agosto 2007, Page 30
無論晴雨,愛上撐傘, Eslite Reader 誠品好讀 (Taiwan), Issue 74. 3/2007, Page 67
FlLICKR PLU - toont je foto's, BRIGHT (Netherland), #13, Dec/Jan 2006/2007, Page 16
雨伞也IT, Zoom 服饰文化 (Shanghai), 12/2006, Page 94
液晶傘:一傘一傘亮晶晶, FHM男人幫 國際中文版 (Taiwan), 12/2006, Page 37
A Multi Purpose Umbrella, Distrikt Magazine (Florida), #7 (12/06), Page 9
Pileus: Días de lluvia, fotografía y vídeo, oxigeno (Spain) , EL PRIMER MAGAZINE SEMANAL GRATUITO Nº42 · 16 DE NOVIEMBRE 2006, Page 16
Brèves Du Future "UNE PLUIE D'IMAGES!", Stuff (France) , Novembre 2006, Page 86
Blokes' Brolly - Revealed! An umbrella it's acceptable for a man to own, FHM (For Him Magazine) UK Edition, Dec 2006, Page 36
Browsing in the rain - Japanese design students create an umbrella that takes and displays pictures, The Engineer (UK), 2-15 October 2006, Page 6

Pileus was featured in an episode of "Ulan", Rated K, ABS-CBN, The Phillipines, (Sept 19 2010).
"Lúdicos, terapéuticos, comerciales, musicales... Elige tu propio 'gadget' en la Campus Party"TVE 1, Valencia, Spain, (July 30 2008).
Pileus was introduced on a live show "CNS FRESC"on RTVV CANAL 9, Valencia, Spain, (July 30 2008).
Pileus was introduced on a news program "Noticíes" on RTVV CANAL 9, Valencia, Spain, (July 30 2008).
"Un paraguas con cara de fotos, conexi a Internet y con GPS", etv, Basque, Spain (May 16 2008).
"Universitario japonés presenta un paraguas con conexión a Internet"TVEFE, Basque, Spain, (May 16 2008).
Pileus interviewed at Internet Eguna. Euskadigital (Basque Spain, Radio), (May 17 2008).
Pileus during Next no.5 was introduced at TV2 Nyhederne (Denmark), (April 3 2008).
Pileus was interviewed during Next No.5 by "Harddisken" of DR (Danish Radio), (April 4 2008)
Pileus was introduced on a science program of Czech TV. "Internetový deštník" Port , Česká televize. (Jan. 30 2008)
An interview for Sho at Enter3 was introduced on Leoanrdo "Nula-Jednicka" of Český rozhlas (Nov. 19 2007), Český rozhlas (Czech Radio - Prague, Czech)
Festival Enter otevírá dveře pro vstup umělců do vědy (Nov. 6 2007), ČT24 (Czech)
An interview for Takashi was featured on #5 of the day at "BET the 5ive. (July 19 2007) , BET (NewYork - US Cable TV Netowork)
Pileus was introduced on "NBC TechNow. (July 7 2007) , NBC11/NBCCable3/KNTV-HD (San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland) KNBC (LA), KNSD (San Diego), WNBC Digital (New York)
Pileus was introduced on "Gadget Friday" by Scott McGrew in NBC11 News 5.6. (June 15 2007) , NBC11/NBCCable3/KNTV-HD (San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland)
Takashi introduced Pileus on "La chronique de Jérôme Bonaldi" in "On a tout essayé" show (Apr. 25 2007) of France 2 TV (France)
An interview for Takashi at Enter3 was introduced on Radio Česko of Český rozhlas (Nov. 8 2007), Český rozhlas (Czech Radio - Prague, Czech)
Takashi and Sho appeared on Radio1 (Nov. 5 2007), Radio 1 (91.9FM - Prague, Czech)
Takashi appeared on "On va s gêner ! - Laurent RUQUIER" show (Apr. 24 2007) of Europe 1 Radio (France)
An interview for Takashi: "Technobyte" by Aki Anastasiou in David O'Sullivan Show (Nov. 28 2006) on Talk Radio 702 (South Africa, Johannesburg).
Pileus was picked as the 20 coolest umbrellas at The Coolist, June 9. 2009.
"Internet Umbrella" NetExplorateur 100. Sénat français, 2009.
"Pileus" Transmaterial 2: A Catalog of Materials That Redefine Our Physical Environment. Ed. Blaine Brownell. Princeton Architectural Press. New York, 2008. 228.
"#4, Top 10 High-Tech Umbrellas for Rainy Days", PC Magazine PCMAG.COM, March 2007
"Musik-Hoodies und die virtuelle Anprobe”, Musik-Hoodies und die virtuelle Anprobe. FYI! mit Fine Kalze, Bild.de. Jan 18 2012.
"Cool Japanese gadgets we want right now”, Tech UK MSN. June 21 2011.
“Loaded by Natali Del Conte”, CNET TV, CNET. July 21 2010.
"OS DESTAQUES DE 2010" UOL Tecnologia, May 7 2010
"7 Ordinary Things Turned Hi-Tech" TechNewsDaily / Yahoo!News, Apr. 18 2010
Pileus was introduced in Europocket Television "Today's buzz" with Campus Party, Aug. 2 2008.
Surfing in Rain Firmenwagen lounge "Tech-Talk", Ford Germany, July 2008.
Vanvittig Georg Gearløs-paraply, PC World Denmark, 29 Maj 2007.
「インターネット傘」も登場!? 梅雨に備えて傘にまつわる小噺を一席, R25 アールニジュウゴ by Recruite, April 16, 2008.
"Un paraguas con conexión a Internet", EuskoSare (Basque Spain), May 17 2008.
5分でわかる最新キーワード解説「インターネット傘パイレウスってなんだ?!」, Recruite キーマンズネット, April 16, 2008.
"Web umbrella Pileus", Asiajin, Feb. 7, 2008.
"Internet Umbrella" NBC11 Tech-Now Podcast Feb. 5 2008
"Un paraguas con internet"ADN.es Tecnologîa, Jan 31 2008
"Japanische Tüftler entwickeln Internet-Regenschirm" ZDNet.de, Feb 1 2008
"Pileus:連雨傘都可以上網", Engadget 癮科技, May 26 2007
“Чадър с дисплей и достъп до Интернет", PC World, Bulgaria, May 21 2007
"日本推出可上网的雨伞 能拍照下载图片", 新浪科技, May 17 2007
"Umbrella Photo Browser", CNET Asia, Dec.04 2006
"Watch YouTube on your umbrella", Crave CNet, Nov 28 2006
"Japanese Develop Umbrella With Flickr And Youtube Integration" CrunchGear, Nov. 27 2006
"傘型フォトブラウザPileus", Engadget Japanese [beta], Sept. 25 2006
"Pileus Umbrella Has Projector Built Into Grip", Gizmodo, Sept 25. 2006
"Umbrella shows a Flickr stream on the inside surfaces" Boing Boing, Sept.21, 2006
"Umbrella photo browser", we make money not art, Sept 21 2006.
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